Sunday, September 19, 2010


How do I decide what to paint? Most of the time, an image from nature, a picture in a magazine, or a face in the crowd will inspire me to paint. The selling point of the resulting piece does not enter my mind at all.  What matters most to me is that I have created something from the heart.
I also keep challenging myself by painting subjects I haven't covered before. My range is such that my body of work seems like a group exhibition rather than a solo. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010


An artist needs some kind of validation about her or his art - whether it be an acceptance in a juried exhibition, a sale, a positive critique or even a constructive one.  I liken it to watering a plant for sustenance.  So when several rejections come my way, I wilt until I "self-medicate" or the next feeding comes.  I sometimes threaten to give up painting but I love it too much to do so. 

Tuesday, September 07, 2010


I was not born to be a salesperson!  I can't sell anything or sweet talk anyone into buying anything.  It is amazing I have been able to sell some of my work.  I freeze when I hear people discussing my art, say in a gallery opening.  I'm too embarrassed to listen to their "private conversation" so I walk away.  Rather than introducing myself to them, I shy away because I don't want to appear trying to sell them my "wares".
I have read many books and articles coaching artists how to sell and market their art.  I know what I should do but don't.  I cringe when I see other artists doing it but I know it works for them.  So, what am I to do?  

Monday, September 06, 2010


I have decided to resurrect my art blog.  Instead of featuring my art work which you can find in my art website (, I will talk more about my joys, trials and tribulations as an artist.

When my two beloved piano teachers passed away, I shelved my piano books and turned to art.  I was always interested in drawing as a child but took my very first art class in October 1993.  I fell in love with painting and knew there was no turning back.  Even at that stage when I was learning the basics, I was transported into a different world.  It changed the way I looked at nature, faces, objects, and everything around me.  The world became more interesting.