Friday, September 13, 2013

The OLPE Art Reception

Exhibition: Our Lady of Perpetual Exhaustion  September 7 – October 5, 2013

The opening reception came and went.  The gallery was crowded and the atmosphere lively.  The show was quite interesting, each piece representing the artist's interpretation of the theme accompanied by a narrative explaining the artwork.  I wrote the following narrative to describe my painting, Grief:

The theme of the exhibition inspired me to revisit my paintings of women in distress.  I have always been drawn to create portraits of suffering women.   It is my way of paying homage to my mother and the women in my family, not only because of their tenacity to face daily challenges, but also for the courage and resolve with which they confront life's adversities.  Grief reflects all these things and more - pain, exhaustion, grief, despair.

If you did not make it to the opening, there will be additional receptions at the gallery:

Wednesday, September 18, 6:30 – 8:30 pm 
Thursday, September 26, 6:30 - 8:30 pm
Saturday, October 5, 6:00 - 8:00 pm  (end of exhibition)


Watergate Gallery is located in the lower level (accessible by escalator or stairs) of the Watergate building, next to CVS.

Watergate Gallery & Frame Design
2552 Virginia Avenue NW
Washington DC 20037

tel: 202.338.4488

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