Friday, November 21, 2014

My Lola and I - print version

I had already published an ebook version of this children's book last year but thought about having a print version later.  Because I already finished a painting for the book cover, I did not want to pay for a book designer to develop the cover.  I also wondered how I could design a cover spread (back cover, spine, and front cover) myself.  I scoured the internet for how-to's and concluded that InDesign was the best program available for it. 

Well, InDesign is a very expensive program used by graphic designers in their work.  Fortunately, a free 30-day trial software was available online, so in early November, I downloaded it and bravely set out to learn it.  It was not easy and I made a lot of mistakes trying to form a cover spread.  Finally, I had a graphic designer check to make sure that my design conformed to the printer's specs.  I was soooo pleased that it did, but there was another step.  My publisher and the printer had to approve it.  Two days ago, it was!  I expect to receive the galley in a few days.  What a blessed relief!

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